Welcome to Chez-Hicko - home of wecky scrubbers on the Net

(27) days since last major accident

What's going on here then?

What's going on here then?
This is me playing cricket for England and meeting some idiot with a biscuit tin

Monday 16 April 2007

Shep's Top 5

Not bad re-collection, seeing as the man spent 80% of the time with crippling stomach pains...

"The never-ending pint

Clint pissing himself (literally) three times whilst rafting

Caravan spotting and making up our own names for them

The bare-arsed parade as we passed the minibus full of dori

Male voice choral accompaniment to Derry's Dangermouse ringtone"

And the bottom...

1. Losing Joel's teddy on the fast lane of the A1(M) - may he rest in pieces.
2. Getting a phone call from Hicko at 2am on Sunday morning and being foolish enough to answer it - I'll regret that forever.
3. Curry Hell One - feeling like I was going to puke.
4. Curry Hell Two - nauseating stomach cramps for 24 hours.
5. Curry Hell Three - the burning ring of fire, it burns, burns, burns and the flames are getting higher.