Welcome to Chez-Hicko - home of wecky scrubbers on the Net

(27) days since last major accident

What's going on here then?

What's going on here then?
This is me playing cricket for England and meeting some idiot with a biscuit tin

Wednesday 14 October 2009

England v Belarus

Ever get in two minds about what to do? I want to go out to the quiz, but I also want to stay in and watch the Footy. Thinking about tossing a coin!

Then again, if I stay in, I save money and don't get as tired.

Think I'll stay in.

Or maybe go out.

Enough of this nonsense - the blog is back on and more interesting non-internal argumentative posts will follow.

Or will they?

Thursday 1 October 2009

Coming back from the dead?

How long has it been since last post? 36 years - that must be a record!

If anyone texts, emails or gets in touch via Yoghurt pot and string within the next month - I will start writing the blog again on a slightly more regular basis. If you don't then no-one cares and neither do I!