Welcome to Chez-Hicko - home of wecky scrubbers on the Net

(27) days since last major accident

What's going on here then?

What's going on here then?
This is me playing cricket for England and meeting some idiot with a biscuit tin

Monday 16 April 2007

First Blog

Well, here it is. A new blog and I guess you're wondering why? Well, I want to share. Share the benefit of my experience, show off my knowledge and make people laugh. Will it happen. I'm guessing not. I give it 5 weeks max and I'm not that big or clever. But you never know, you might find some nice pictures, a mention of yourself or some amusing cheese. Who can tell?

My life includes (honestly):

Birds, Comedy, Cricket, Lincoln City, Church, Guitar playing, Drinking with friends, Gardening,
Running, Holidays, Films and most importantly - my lovely wife Charlotte (aka Candy)

Check in for potential fun... coming next - Lincolnshire school words and Nick's stag do!

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