Welcome to Chez-Hicko - home of wecky scrubbers on the Net

(27) days since last major accident

What's going on here then?

What's going on here then?
This is me playing cricket for England and meeting some idiot with a biscuit tin

Friday 27 April 2007

Cricket Anxiety Dream

Had an odd dream last night where I was playing this 20-20 game at the weekend and I couln't get my pads on. I was fumbling with the straps and they sent out Ben Gore to bat instead of me (Ben Gore hasn't played for years). Then, when I did get to bat, they brought on this fast Asian bowler, who in the real world bowled me out in 1999 for his hat-trick. I was bricking it.

To top it all, Goldsie was in a foul mood and was threatening people again, which is a recurring dream of mine for some reason. Why am I having anxiety dreams about a non-competitive practice match?

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